*A 2-5 minute (max) PROMOTIONAL VIDEO for an invented object.*
-Alice, Simon and Nathier-
*A 2-5 minute (max) PROMOTIONAL VIDEO for an invented object.*
-Alice, Simon and Nathier-
*Arrays and objects,the sketch should allow the user to use clicks, keypresses, etc. to add new elements to the scene (and potentially to remove them later). // Create a sketch that it uses HTML controls (like buttons, sliders, text input fields) as a means of modifying the sketch’s behavior in real time*
This little RGB monster loves having conversations with people, but whenever he talks his dyslexia gets in the way. His speech impediment leaves him so frustrated that sometimes he just cries.
Between Allison’s Browser controls tutorial and Shiffman’s HTML videos, I was able to understand better and create this little monster his assignment. Here is the code.
*Edit video and bring Rough Cut for next week.*
*Fabricate something using primarily two different materials. Let’s say the project is roughly 40% one material, 40% the other.*
*Re-work an existing assignment, using functions to compartmentalize your code.*
-limited edition-
*Go out and shoot your video.*
Water and paper:
Candy melting:
*Come up with a simple application using what you’ve learned – week 4 *
««««««« Post under construction »»»»»»»
Inspired by Pete Prodoehl’s drawing machine I decided to give it a try and create a rapid prototyping version of the machine. Using potenciometers to command the movements of the arm, I reassembled the connection between the servo motors and wrote the code from scratch.
*Build an enclosure for an electronics project using any tool(s) or technique(s) you like. Make sure that you can get back inside to make repairs, change batteries, modify, etc.*
I took inspiration from a family member that is obsessed with synthesizers and electronic musical instruments. So, this is my own arduino ornament and crime module.
Materials and tools: Arduino, Breadboard, Muji pen case (3$), 9v Battery, 9v Battery holder, Speaker, Potentiometers, exacto blade and a Dremel.
First, I measured the pieces on top of the pen case.
Outline the position of each piece with a pencil (to erase easily later).
Made some strategic holes with the Dremel and continued the cut with the exacto blade.
*Create something using the laser cutter*
As an illustrator, I wanted to test the laser cutting machine and explore a little bit the possibilities of this worlds conveying. Magnolia is an illustration that was inspired by a real moment back home (Bogotá).
First, you need to transform it into a vector illustration on Adobe and separate it into several layers, especially if you want to use different materials or colour. In this case, I choose two colours of the same material (paper).
Some changes were made on the vector design, I wasn’t sure if my bumblebee was going to work because of all the details it had, so I separate it from the flower and send it in a different file.
After the laser, some modifications were necessary because some lines were too close to each other. Because the bumblebee didn’t come out as wanted, choosing only the flower seemed like the right idea.
*A 2-5 minute (max) PROMOTIONAL VIDEO for an invented object.*
-Alice, Simon and Nathier-
We live in a world where every action has a consequence in our environment, we are always eager to consume more and more and most of the time are not aware of the consequences on our planet earth. We critique this behaviour making a parody about destruction through everyday actions that have consequences and the outcome is similar to natural disasters. This is an environmental awareness ad.