Microbiology central dogma for gene expressions mapped for parts of speech

Code source on Github
This assignment it’s inspired in my current lack of sleep and anxiety. I think my code failed, which is ok. And it failed because at the moment it didn’t create a poem that made sense, mixed with the other texts or to be honest created a poem. But some outcomes are worth to be shown. The original texts come from Hamlet and Macbeth mental breakdowns, Kate Tempest “Let them eat chaos” album and
-Devise a new poetic form and write a computer program that generates texts that conform to the poetic form you devised.-
This is an experiment that follows the idea of a poem encoded inside the DNA / RNA of a virus [Aichi virus] which is part of my thesis process. I created a
Text experiments and dada poems
This last poem follows the double helix of the chemical structure of DNA. It takes the first line of the Genesis book; changing the word ‘God’ for ‘virus’ and the word’Spirit” to “DNA” or “RNA”
So I wanted to create something out of my obsessions. For one side use Goethe’s cloud poems and Wikipedias definition of Bacteria to try and create cut-up poem.
The notebook code and poem was possible with the help of Sofia Suazo
I started with the Dada poem example and work with an article that talks about the difference between astrological and mathematical black holes from Quantum magazine. I found the theme had a lot of poetry by itself.
“There are astrophysical black holes, and then there are mathematical ones. Astrophysical black holes sit in galactic
Then the Opportunity Mars rover was finished its mission and I found the last message from it so beautiful that I wanted to imagine future explorers and their whereabouts.
So I created another Dada poem with the thank you tweet from the
Then, I used the A house of dust poem to create the future whereabouts of the next exploration NASA rovers. I’m really happy with the outcome, more than poems they are small science fiction stories.
This is one of my favorites:
-Transcribe and/or digitize a text that has never existed in digital form before-
In this
A pocket book of witch folk and demons
“Follow yer heart, it won’t lead ya nowhere bad.”
“Trust in yourself, no matter what.”
“Remember to take care of all things, big or small”
“Never leave home without a trusted weapon. Its not always a sword”
“Remember where your adventure started”
“Break things often”
“Don’t brake things just to try an’ figure out who you are”
“Question everything, even the stars”
“Say it to their faces”
“Don’t give them any room to interpret”
“Eat yer vegetables, ma’dear”
“Don’t do anything to much”
[I’m obsessed with clouds]
Still soaring, as if some celestial call
Impell’d it to yon heaven’s sublimest hall;
High as the clouds, in pomp and power arrayed,
Enshrined in strength, in majesty displayed;
All the soul’s secret thoughts it seems to move,
Beneath it trembles, while it frowns above.
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