
I don’t know if this happens to other people but when I’m feeling down, my stomach as many other parts of my body aches. If I’m very stressed out I will have migraines, my skin will burst out and once again my stomach will ache badly. Funny enough my first thought is always “Oh, I need some greens and fruit” even if I know the pain comes from an emotional event. My main thought is always that my mood is somehow reflected on my stomach and usually after some changes in my diet (until time and cravings destroy it), I always feel better almost immediately. Some time ago I read that scientist were figuring our mood changes and the part that gut microbiota had on it. They were talking about faecal transplants to treat depression!! Depression!

Recently we were talking about how we live in a germophobic country, where antibiotics are being used without measure and now we have super bacterias living in sterile environments. With our guts on a fragile state as result of this abusive behaviour. It makes sense that faecal transplants are becoming more important and effective treatment to several diseases and syndromes.

Deep down there is some intuitive knowledge of taking care or nourish my flora, I know it exists but I don’t grasp completely yet its magnitude. Its this vast ecosystem living within me, even in my eyes, hair, lungs and uterus they. I’m not alone that is for sure; an entire living cosmos goes wherever I go. My family, friends and pets share it with me, Its just mindblowing. One thing on the readings that stuck with me was the notion that babies that are born by c-section are more likely to have their immune system failure, they need their mother’s Intestinal and vaginal microbes to protect them and be able to create their own healthy ecosystem. One thing is clear; the body is very much aware of this mutualistic relationship, we need to start paying more attention to what we don’t see.


Project proposal

This project is about creating sensors that humans don’t have, this particular idea goes around physical response that humans have but I’m afraid we are not very conscious on how to read this signs or be more aware of them. The body surely does, but these signs are not easy to immediately perceive or track without help. The body surely responds to changes and it’s aware of them, it gets sick or gets healthier but is mostly a silent process.

Thinking about what I wanted, the heart kept coming, to trace your hearth or those of your loved ones, or keep track or your mood. Are you happy? Are you melancholic? For some reason this new place I’m now part of (ITP) is always busy, always moving, full of energy and alive. As alive as it is, it transforms our lives around it, we have new habits, new clocks, new food and I have to ask. How does this reflect on our health?. Is it good, bad, are we drinking too much caffeine, not enough water and vegetables, is the stress normal or is it doing harm? What that represents for our lifestyle and self-care? If signs were visible of such changes would be a good thing? Would we take action upon possible harmful and invisible habits? What I want, its to explore the idea of a sensor (or multiples) that makes health changes visible, from tracking down our heartbeats to follows sugar and alcohol intake, see if you are hydrated or stress and transform this data into visual information that is not scary an easy to act on.

This is all speculative although I do want to explore and see how far can I take this idea to more real outcomes.




Algae / living canvas


*Bring in your updated version of your Project Proposal*

After thinking through all my ideas, I felt more strongly about the concept of a living canvas continuously changing. With living organism like plants, fungi or bacteria as the medium of exploration, especially bacteria, if not a medium as a subject.


Ill been slowly becoming more interested microbiota after starting to be personally aware of my own. Whenever I was sick and antibiotics were prescribed my stomach would be a mess, or if following normal regimes of hygiene to avoid microbes and bacteria I ended up wiping good bacteria, useful bacteria. Harming the microbiota is extremely easy. We don’t see it, we don’t know much about it and the truth is that we are unaware of these vast living ecosystems that live with an within us. We have been so obsessed with sterile environments to avoid diseases (needed, yes) that we ended up with weaker immune systems and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It is becoming a real public health problem.

I was once Kindly reminded that “ there is no love without shared microbiota” and its true. Our loved ones, family members, friends and even pets share this vast microbial constellation with us.






“There is no love without shared microbiota”




(algae as material/controlled chaos/mixed media/bacterial culture/ink/biomaterial)


Maybe if we knew more about it, were aware of its existence. It outnumbers the human cells, the human has around 10 trillion cells, its microbiota is around 100 trillion! It works as a sensor of our well being and surrounding ecosystem. If you ever felt alone, just don’t.

How can we make the invisible visible? How can we make our approach to microbes and bacteria more amicable and meaningful? How to spark a healthy discussion? I think art could help to take away the “ick” around it, it will educate and help us change




Recently I came across a New York Times article that discussed the use of anaesthetics in different kinds of plants, researchers weren’t sure how the plants were losing consciousness or more likely regaining it after exposure to them. They weren’t sure about what was exactly happening inside the plant but they witnessed the effect on them.They use this word carefully, it’s a powerful word. We know plants are aware of their surroundings, they communicate with other plants, take care or fight against each other, why wouldn’t they be aware of their own existence and if they do, What would that represent to us? it will definitely start a conversation about ethics and uses of plants. In the past, we thought animal didn’t have emotions only instincts and for some women unlike men didn’t have souls (Yep, that happened) but, what if?
What would we eat? Our relationship with food will change for sure.

The idea of plants being very aware of their surroundings it’s even more powerful knowing that we know the fungi realm works like an interconnected network through their roots, it creates a community web of aid and nourishes. Imagine walking through a forest of trees that have lived for thousands of years, sending information to its peers all that long. Humboldt believed that everything is connected, therefore any changes affect everything, no matter how small; who could imagine the connection was that impressive. There is a responsibility with this knowledge, we must start preparing ourselves for uncomfortable conversations and especially actions.








When I was little my family often travel to my grandmother’s farm, the weather was always warm and humidity was hight. back then I was easily amazed as often as I was bored (this still happens as an adult) but more often I found myself playing with a field full of Mimosa pudica or dormila (Spanish) I was absolutely convinced the plant could feel, that she was shy and somehow me bothering it was ok. Once I even tried to see how long it took to the plant to wake up again, but the ants climb on through my legs and that was the end of it.

The New York Times article about the use of anaesthetics on plants had an effect on me, put it next to the article about the discovery on networks made out of fungi, that connects, communicates and nourishes trees on forests and your world freeze. This fungi realm seem like a neurological system of its own, the forest its this big brain working at full speed. What know? What if they are concise and the dormilona of my childhood was very pissed with me and send word to other dormilonas about me through her roots, what if I somehow created discomfort or pain?

Whats remarkable about the present moment is that we got to this point and in particular this phenomenon thanks to the technology we have at hand. The neurons drawing we saw on our first day were possible because of the technology available at that time. These resources have moulded our understanding around living organisms and just imagine what we’ll find out tomorrow or the day after. One thing is sure, we are going to have difficult conversations in the future if plants indeed have conscience and forest are brains. In the meantime, I’m gonna get my hands on some Mimosa pudica seeds.


Meditation #1

Confess and repent!!!

Nicolas and I were raised in Colombia, a country with a very strong Catholic culture and values. The church has many rituals, rules, dogmas and sacraments. We chose to create a ritual based on one of those sacraments: confession. Confession is for us a very interesting one for various reasons. It seems like an old way of having a therapist listening to you and also giving you advice. Also, we can see it as a control mechanism for the church to control thoughts and behaviours from people.

From our own experience, we felt a bit traumatized in our childhood from being forced to tell our sins and bad behaviours and thoughts to a stranger. We felt that our intimacy was violated and we felt we didn’t have reasons to trust this stranger or to feel comfortable revealing our darkest parts of us to them.

We decided to do a ritual to exorcise this trauma throw the use of irony and humour. As part of confession as a ritual of clearance of conscience a purge its necessary to go clean. And that its the part on this code that is still under construction.






We wanted to explore not only the idea of making a confessionary but to explore the iconography around Catholicism in our country and translate it visually to our digital confessional.

Charites | AE

««««««« Post under construction »»»»»»»


*Start Conceiving Ideas for Your Project*

“A Charis is one of three or more minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility, together known as the Charites in Greek mythology.”

Somehow I have this science fiction tale trying to form in words and images in the back of my head, it is a blur, fast and flickering. There are some objects that  I recognize, there are bees as pets,  Petri dishes full of colourful bacteria and small animals embellished with architectural wonders. Then these images get a little vivid and the tale its a memory of things I know exist and I’ve seen in real life or through the screen. There are people who are into apiculture and create beautiful sculptures or trained them to live in glass hives for new medical diagnosis, there are scientists that use algae as a medium that puts them closer to the craft photography, and then there are artists/designers that use insects as fundamental part of their process. So, here I am, with flickering ideas lighting on an off, still dizzy at the possibilities this class provides and full of questions: What do I want to do? At the moment the best thing to do is try my best to make them visible.



( urban beehives/measured colony/ bee health tracker/ pollinators/sculpture/symbiosis/oracles)


What would happen if all the bees in the world died? Our food system will probably collapse and wild habitats as well… What if there is no more space for them?…How can we help?

We know bee population is declining painfully fast and an even with the interest of the public in faster, easy sometimes DYI harvesting of honey, we are creating more harm than space to them. How could humans and bees share immediate space in the cities? / This idea plays with the idea of beehives and colonies around architecture, design, urban planning and mostly around education. Teach people about the impact bees have on our lives through practice, tangible experience, empathic design and ethical practice.




(algae as material/controlled chaos/mixed media/bacterial culture/ink/biomaterial)


Microbial cellulose as canvas, bacteria as tools and medium to explore any art form, a living canvas continuously changing, evolving and degrading. An ephemeral hybrid practice.



(artefact/mimicry/ biological fabrication/biology as a medium/cocoon)

Nature finds a way to take back and appropriate structures and artefacts. The outcome of that encounter and the hybrid/ material is the main idea behind this charis/idea. What if the craft was from the inset and not from the human? If they were jewellers or the artisans of the world?



Apidae concept mapping in class






I have butterflies in my head, at least my CT scan corroborated these let’s say the poetic statement of my lack of concentration. But the fact that my brain tries to make sense of what surrounds me, through connections of what I know or have experienced before its by itself remarkable enough.There is so much information on how the brain works that its just painful, and then my brain starts thinking about it thinking and thousands of electricity flickers through my brain and everything is this constant loop of understanding all the physical, biological and chemical ways the brain works. How can neurologist sleep? I would be in this looping state forever.  The name of the Santiago Ramón y Cajal exhibition at the Grey gallery it’s more than accurate. The brain is indeed beautiful.

I went again to this exhibition, took more time to see his charcoal trace, his handwriting, the mistakes, the side notes and its fair to say it had an impact on me. I wanna get myself a microscope, play with a silver tint, put myself for a moment in his path but from an illustrator point of view, instead of that of an anatomist. What if it’s not only brain tissue but it’s about mapping biological wonder our entire body, to create a complex/beautiful map of as many tissue samples from different parts of the body. Maybe I should try it…Don’t you think Cajal’s work is similar in sentiment from that of Ernst Haeckel?